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welcomeAs part of our dedication to our patients and community, we’ll be blogging frequently, keeping you informed and up to date on all things orthopedic.  We encourage you to submit topics you’d be interested in seeing posts on. To get started, let’s answer some questions about this blog:


Who will be writing OSOC's blog posts?

Drs. Kassab and Bahu will all be regular contributors. From time to time, we may have a guest blogger. We’ll be sure to let you know who is posting to give each entry context.

What benefits will there be to reading this blog?

Besides having better access to our staff’s knowledge, you’ll be the first to know about new treatments and technology, helpful resources, industry trends, patient news and special events. You’ll also find yourself well versed in areas that affect your orthopedic health.

How will I know when a new post is up?

Find and “like” us on Facebook, and you will see all our posts! If you would like emails, subscribe to our email list on this page.